Verified Partner

Green Team Logistics

751 Enterprise Ct Ste I Melbourne, FL 32934, Melbourne, FL

DOT number: 4236818

A company's values depend on how it treats its customers and the environment. If one were to judge by that, Green Team Logistics has no competition to match it. This veteran-led team has been making smooth moves in Melbourne since 2007. With outstanding service and a friendly touch, these guys can help you with anything. They've found a way to make the process faster, safer, and cheaper. Not only that, but they also focus on putting eco-friendly practices first. To replace cardboard boxes, they use reusable plastic totes. Besides reusable and saving trees, they are also time-efficient and more durable than the alternatives. Instead of plastic bags, they use cloth bags. These are great for lighter items like pillows, shoes, and clothes. From start to finish, these licensed and insured professionals are ready to make your journey as stress-free as possible. Apart from the correct loading and unloading of the truck and transporting your belongings, they handle the packing. This task is one of the most time-consuming and frustrating ones in a move. Yet it is one of the most essential as well. That's why Green Team offers to do it for you. Save yourself the sweat and tears by leaving the heavy lifting up to them.
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Office location

751 Enterprise Court, Melbourne, Florida, EE. UU.